Monday, 24 November 2014

Little Monsters Film Club Success!

The children have a bash at some instruments!
Last Saturday it was the debut of our new Little Monsters Film Club season, kick starting the event at Rockspring Community Centre.

First off the families were able to enjoy a free workshop called Whack It Smack It, which gave children an insight into how they can recycle objects for a musical use! The children were able to have a bash on pre-made instruments, join together to make simple rythyms and melodies, as well as a chance to make some instruments of their own!

Conducting "Twinkle Twinkle" using old plastic!

Now it's the children's turn to make some instruments!

It was a great workshop for all the family, as adults and children came together to make some craft and to learn something a bit different!

Who would have thought an old piece of string and a yoghurt pot could make the sound of a chicken? Or a lollipop stick tied to some thread would make a fascinating whirring noise?

And they're looking proud of their creations!

Snacks and treats at hand, all the families then sat down to watch Fairy Tale: A True Story (U), as picked by a panel of children only a few weeks back. It was a fantastic turn out, and all the children really enjoyed taking part in the workshop, the chance to make noise without being told to be quiet and most importantly, watching a great film!

In our recent surveys, you said you wanted more activities and events for children, and here at Ludlow Assembly Rooms we are proud to be able to bring this film club to you! A brilliant opportunity for families and communities to come together and watch some films!

The next Little Monsters Film Club event:
Saturday 13 December
at Rockspring Community Centre

Scrappies Christmas Craft Workshop, 1pm, FREE
Arthur Christmas (U), 3pm, 50p per person/£1.50 for a family of 4

All ready for the film!
A great workshop by Whack It Smack It!

All tickets can be purchased either online, popping in to our Box Office, or giving them a call on 01584878141

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